Wednesday, September 15, 2010


 Article: Marshable/ Social Media   Contributed by: Wan Adilah   Posted: Munirah

Now more than ever, traditional media outlets are embracing social media as a way to generate story ledes, increase site traffic and create conversations with readers.

At Social Media Brasil, the largest social media conference in Brazil, there are six social media tips for traditional media outlets looking to either initiate or evaluate their social media strategy. Each tip is general enough to apply to any news organization, but can be tailored to fit a particular company as well. Check out the embedded presentation below for an overview and read on for a more thorough look at each tip.

1. Share Content

The first step to using social media effectively is sharing your content. Begin by taking an inventory of the type of content your company produces. It is important to be as efficient as possible in repurposing content. The idea is to promote the articles, videos and photos that you currently produce, instead of creating new content specifically for your social media presence.
 If you are an online news site, you will have an endless feed of articles and blog posts, but you may also have an array of video and photo offerings. Once you have a grasp of all of the various types of media that your site produces, you’re ready to take a look into which social media platforms may be best for you.Most brands should start with Twitter (Twitter) and Facebook (Facebook) at a minimum.

2. Curate Conversations

Some brands look at social media as a way to simply promote their content. While it’s a great way to promote media, it’s so much more. When evaluating the effectiveness of your social media strategy, you should be able to at least answer one question: What value are we bringing to our audience?

3. Engage Audiences
It’s important that traditional media outlets continue to push the envelope and strive for true audience engagement by asking and answering questions. It is human nature to answer a question when it is posed, so start asking questions with each of your posts and see what type of feedback you get. Most likely, users will be intrigued to answer your questions and add their opinion, especially if they feel that you truly care. A few media outlets have realized that questions lead to responses. On Facebook, CNN seems to make it a point to ask a question with posts that may elicit widespread response. With nearly a million fans, they seem to be doing something right.

4. Promote Your Presence

Just like all brand initiatives, social media campaigns and strategies need to be promoted. Often times, brands entering the social media space have the Field of Dreams misconception, “If you build it, they will come.” Unfortunately, social media doesn’t work that way. You have to put time and effort into building an audience.

5. Customize the Experience

Every social site comes with a set of defaults — make it your practice to know the options and customize as necessary. Deviating from the defaults makes your profiles appear to be more professional and allows you to create a cohesive look and feel across social platforms.

6. Track Everything
No matter where you are in implementing a social media strategy, tracking should be a priority. Without analytics, you cannot make informed decisions. With proper tracking though, you’ll be able to decide what type of content does best on certain social platforms. Furthermore, if you’re incredibly motivated, you even have the opportunity to monitor optimal conditions down to the smallest details, such as time of day, day of week, length of post, type of post, and even the topic of the post.


 Article by: Zurashida      Posted By: Munirah

Wikipedia states that a social network is “…a social structure made of nodes (which are generally individuals or organizations) that are tied by one or more specific types of relations…” Nowadays; the social networking sites are gaining a lot of popularity with almost all of the educated youth using one or the other such site. These have played a crucial role in bridging boundaries and crossing the seas and enabling them to communicate on a common platform. It has become a popular and a potential mean for them to stay friends with the existing ones and to grow up their social circle at least in terms of social contact.
The first official social networking web site was which was founded in 1995. Now, they are many site often that are designed to fit a certain type of community such as the college community being mirrored by or a music/party community mirrored by 

The most popular social networking site today is that is developed by Zuckerberg. The site was originally developed for college and university students as a way to connect with each other. Hosting the most members for a college based social networking site, is also the number one site for uploading pictures, boasting several million uploads daily. 

 Since its inception, has now been opened to anyone with a valid email address and offers its members options of joining the millions of networks of people with similar interests. It is said that 80% of users check their account daily and that 93% of users check their account at least monthly.

Although many people don’t think of it, social networking web sites harbor many dangerous elements and many people are concerned about some major problems that they contain. One such problem is privacy issues. With social networking web sites like, and, it is almost too easy to retrieve personal information about someone and use it to harm them. 

 In a case with, the availability of being able to customize one’s own site has allowed people to use phishing html code to create phishing profiles that allows that person to access anyone’s profile who have visited the phishing profile. Phishing can often lead to the loss of personal information such as usernames, credit card numbers, and passwords. 

Social networking site do influence people life. For example is in using word. Some people tend to use shortened words like “d” for “the” and likewise. Some people use offensive words to vent out their feeling. Meanwhile certain people often use the communities to dishonor others. 

Another great issue of concern with social networking web sites is that of child safety. Research has shown that almost three out of every four teenagers who use social networking web sites are at risk due to their lack of using online safety. 

A lot of the web sites do have an age requirement but it is easily bypassed by the lying about of one’s age. Even if they don’t lie about their age the average age requirement is around fifteen years old. has been specifically targeted for these child safety issues after a sixteen year old girl flew to Tel Aviv, Israel to meet and engage in sexual relations with a twenty year old male whom she had met through

As a conclusion, a social networking web site is an online community in which people can connect to others with similar interests. Although there are many valuable assets to social networking web sites, there are also major issues that the sites must address such as the protection of private information, the protection of children, and the protection of copyrighted material. Although they have issues, social networking web sites are still one of the best inventions of the modern era because they connect so many people. People need to remind themselves not to misuse the social networking site.


SOURCES: Google       Article By: Mariani          Posted By: Munirah

Podcasts are audio files published as RSS or Really Simple Syndication feeds, using XML file format technology to deliver MP3s to computers or portable music players. Podcasts are most often listened to on an MP3 player, but they can also be heard on a computer using media player software.
Podcasts are a little like TiVo, which allows television watchers to download only the programs they want to watch and to skip the advertising. However Podcasts are most often audio format but there are video Podcasts available as well.

Podcasts are automatically delivered directly to your personal computer, and can be transferred to your iPod or other MP3 player. They are often conversations, and include co-hosts and discussions or interviews. Podcasts are downloadable audio programs and are a simple way to automatically get regular audio broadcasts which you can then listen to at your leisure from your computer or MP3 player.
Podcasts are available with RSS feeds that allow listeners to select files they wish to download or set software to automatically download new content when it's available. They are different in that most people will listen to a show from start to finish and are popular for many reasons, not the least of which is the fact that they're free. 
The two main advantages of Podcasts are their ease of use and the availability of many free or low-cost software and hosting options to run them. For the small business, Podcasts are a great way to attract new customers. And for those of us with little time to spare, Podcasts are one of the most valuable tools available for staying on top of trends in technology and keeping up with current events. 

 Some other advantages of Podcasts are their ability to be syndicated, subscribed to, and downloaded automatically when new content is added. Many Podcasts also allow users to direct download by giving a link to the audio file in an RSS feed or web page. 

The number of people interested in Podcasting,or who have downloaded a Podcast, is increasing according to Nielsen Net Ratings. The estimate is 56 million by 2010. This provides a great internet marketing opportunity using Podcasts with the added bonus of their ease of distribution through RSS feeds.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010