Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Power of New Media technology ,Social Media and Social Networking

Sources contributed by: Mariani  from book mark technology   
 Posted by: Munirah

What are the difference between Social Media and Social  Networking
Social media refers to online technology and methods through which people can share information, knowledge, content, personal opinions, swap different perspectives and insights into world issues by using conversational Media. It  is about  engagement ,Social media website content can come in many shapes and forms:
  • Content
  • images and photo
  • videos
  • audios

A social networking tools allow you to create a personal profile yourself than discuss and share information with others such as friends and family. Most of this tools allow us to create their own profile and then post content such as video, photo, text that correspondent to you area of interest.
  • Delicious
  • Dig
  • Diggo
  • Faves
  • Stumpleipon

1 comment:

  1. x perasan lak ni article ak..hehheee..bila ak kasi ye...
